Edit on GitHub Grepper API Reference NAV


Welcome to the Grepper API! Grepper allows you to quickly search, add and edit code snippets & technical answers to all those little coding problems you run into every day (It’s Basically stackoverflow, but tightly integrated into your workflow… and without the overzealous moderators…).

This API is a work in progress and we are calling on all community members to help build it out. Specifically we need language bindings/client libraries for [Javascript, Python, Java, Go, .NET, Node, Ruby]. We also want feature requests from the community, so we can unlock all the value of Grepper through this API.

Note: You will need a grepper account, after creating an account you can find your api key here

You can hit the API endpoints directly or use one of our API client libraries:

Language Github Repo Status Notes
PHP grepper-php In Progress Authors: Taylor Hawkes
Javascript grepper-javascript Need Contributors Authors: TBD
Python grepper-python Need Contributors Authors: TBD
Node grepper-node Need Contributors Authors: TBD
Go grepper-go Need Contributors Authors: TBD

Here is an example of doing a grepper search through the api:

curl https://api.grepper.com/v1/answers/search \
  -u your_grepper_api_key_here: \
  --data-urlencode query="javascript loop array backwords" \


The Grepper API uses API keys to authenticate requests. You can view and manage your API key in your Grepper Account Settings.

Authentication to the API is performed via HTTP Basic Auth. Provide your API key as the basic auth username value. You do not need to provide a password.

If you need to authenticate via bearer auth (e.g., for a cross-origin request), use -H "Authorization: Bearer youapikeyhere" instead of -u youapikeyhere.

All API requests must be made over HTTPS. Calls made over plain HTTP will fail. API requests without authentication will also fail.


Search All Answers

curl https://api.grepper.com/v1/answers/search \
  -u your_grepper_api_key_here: \
  --data-urlencode query="javascript loop array backwords" \
$grepper = new \Grepper\GrepperClient(
  'query' => 'javascript loop array backwords',


  "object": "list",
  "data": [
      "id": 560676,
      "content": "let arr = [1, 2, 3];\n\narr.slice().reverse().forEach(x => console.log(x))\n Run code snippetHide results",
      "author_name": "Homely Hyena",
      "author_profile_url": "https://www.grepper.com/profile/homely-hyena-qrcy8ksj0gew",
      "title": "javascript loop through array backwords",
      "upvotes": 0,
      "object": "answer",
      "downvotes": 0
      "id": 504956,
      "content": "var arr=[1,2,3];\narr.reverse().forEach(x=> console.log(x))",
      "author_name": "Yanislav Ivanov",
      "author_profile_url": "https://www.grepper.com/profile/yanislav-ivanov-r2lfrl14s6xy",
      "title": "js loop array back",
      "upvotes": 2,
      "object": "answer",
      "downvotes": 2

This endpoint searches all answers based on a query.

HTTP Request

GET https://api.grepper.com/v1/answers/search

Query Parameters

Parameter Required Default Description
query true false query to search through answer titles ex: "Javascript loop array backwords"
similarity false 60 How similar the query has to be to the answer title. 1-100 where 1 is really loose matching and 100 is really strict/tight match.

Retreive an Answer

curl https://api.grepper.com/v1/answers/560676 \
  -u your_api_key_here:
$grepper = new \Grepper\GrepperClient(



      "id": 560676,
      "content": "let arr = [1, 2, 3];\n\narr.slice().reverse().forEach(x => console.log(x))\n Run code snippetHide results",
      "author_name": "Homely Hyena",
      "author_profile_url": "https://www.grepper.com/profile/homely-hyena-qrcy8ksj0gew",
      "title": "javascript loop through array backwords",
      "upvotes": 0,
      "object": "answer",
      "downvotes": 0

This endpoint retrieves a specific answer.

HTTP Request

GET https://api.grepper.com/v1/answers/:id

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
id The answer id of the answer to retrieve

Update a specific answer

import kittn

api = kittn.authorize('meowmeowmeow')
curl https://api.grepper.com/v1/answers/560676 \
  -u your_api_key_here: \
  -d "answer[content]"="new answer content here"
$grepper = new \Grepper\GrepperClient(
  ['answer' => ['content' => 'new answer content here']]

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "id": 2,
  "success" : "true"

This endpoint updates a specific answer.

HTTP Request

POST https://api.grepper.com/v1/answers/:id

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
id The answer id of the answer to update


The Grepper API uses the following error codes:

Error Code Meaning
400 Bad Request -- Your request is invalid.
401 Unauthorized -- Your API key is wrong.
403 Forbidden -- You do not have access to the requested resource.
404 Not Found -- The specified enpoint could not be found.
405 Method Not Allowed -- You tried to access an enpoint with an invalid method.
429 Too Many Requests -- You're making too many requests! Slow down!
500 Internal Server Error -- We had a problem with our server. Try again later.
503 Service Unavailable -- We're temporarily offline for maintenance. Please try again later.