Sn1 reactions are named so because their rate equation feautures one term.
I.e. d[Prod]/dt = k[Organic]
This is because there is a slow step where the leaving group needs to leave, much slower than the second step.
The reaction mechanism is as follows:
1. Electrons of the leaving group's bond return to the leaving group (usually because more electronegative)
2. A carbocation intermediate is formed.
3. The substituent is able to attach to the carbocation, and sometimes the proton is removed by the solvent itself in solvolysis.
Factors affecting product isomerism:
1. Remember: Alkyl groups are weakly electron donating
This implies that carbocations are stabilized by alkyl groups
And so the more chains a carbon atom has the more stable it is as a carbocation.
As such, the isomer preferred is the one where the more stable cation is the one left.
This can also be used to favour SN1 more.