settings.gradle <- definition of sub-modules. By default core, desktop, android, html, ios
build.gradle <- main Gradle build file, defines dependencies and plugins
gradlew <- local Gradle wrapper
gradlew.bat <- script that will run Gradle on Windows
gradle <- script that will run Gradle on Unix systems <- IntelliJ only file, defines Android SDK location
assets/ <- contains your graphics, audio, etc.
build.gradle <- Gradle build file for core project
src/ <- Source folder for all your game's code
build.gradle <- Gradle build file for desktop project
src/ <- Source folder for your desktop project, contains LWJGL launcher class
build.gradle <- Gradle build file for android project
AndroidManifest.xml <- Android specific config
res/ <- contains icons for your app and other resources
src/ <- Source folder for your Android project, contains android launcher class
build.gradle <- Gradle build file for the html project
src/ <- Source folder for your html project, contains launcher and html definition
webapp/ <- War template, on generation the contents are copied to war. Contains startup url index page and web.xml
build.gradle <- Gradle build file for the iOS project
src/ <- Source folder for your iOS project, contains launcher