Unoptimized bubble sort algorithm

John Maina answered on July 11, 2023 Popularity 1/10 Helpfulness 1/10


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  • Unoptimized bubble sort algorithm

    Popularity 1/10 Helpfulness 1/10 Language python
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    Contributed on Apr 11 2024
    John Maina
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    The complexity of the optimized bubble sort algorithm is O(n^2) on average and in the worst case, and O(n) in the best case. It means that as the number of elements increases, the time taken for sorting grows exponentially. The algorithm compares and swaps adjacent elements until the array is sorted, with an optimization to terminate early when no swaps occur. Think of it as friends adjusting their positions in a talent show dance-off, with the worst case being a chaotic dance and the best case being a perfectly synchronized performance.

    Popularity 10/10 Helpfulness 1/10 Language javascript
    Source: Grepper
    Tags: algorithm algo
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    Contributed on Jul 11 2023
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    optimized bubble sort algorithm (Pseudocode)

    Imagine a group of friends organizing themselves for a group photo. Each friend represents an element in the array, and their heights represent their values.

    The `optimizedBubbleSort` function takes an array as input and returns the sorted array. We start by setting a variable `n` to the length of the array and another variable `isSorted` to `False`. This `isSorted` variable will help us determine when the sorting process is complete.

    Next, we enter a while loop that continues until `isSorted` becomes `True`. This loop represents the iterations of the bubble sort dance.

    Inside the loop, we initially assume that the array is sorted and set `isSorted` to `True`. This assumption is like saying, "Hey, friends, let's assume you're already standing in the correct order."

    Then, we enter a for loop that iterates over the array from the first element to the second-to-last element. It's like friends standing in a line, checking each other's heights.

    If two adjacent friends are not in the correct order (i.e., the height of one friend is greater than the height of the next friend), they swap places using the `swap` function. This swapping action is similar to friends adjusting their positions to get in order from shortest to tallest.

    After a swap occurs, we update `isSorted` to `False` because the array is not fully sorted yet. This step is like saying, "Oops, friends had to switch places, so it seems we're not done with organizing you yet!"

    Once the for loop completes, we check if any swaps were made during this iteration. If no swaps occurred (meaning `isSorted` is still `True`), it means the array is fully sorted, and the dance is complete!

    Finally, we return the sorted array.

    Popularity 10/10 Helpfulness 1/10 Language shell
    Source: Grepper
    Tags: algorithm algo
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    Contributed on Jul 11 2023
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    optimized bubble sort algorithm in cpp (c++)


    1. The `optimizedBubbleSort` function takes an array and its size as arguments and sorts the array in-place using the optimized bubble sort algorithm.

    2. In the `while` loop, we repeat the sorting process until the array is sorted. The `isSorted` flag helps us track whether any swaps occurred in the current iteration.

    3. Within the `for` loop, we compare each element with its adjacent element. If they are out of order, we swap them using a temporary variable, just like in the previous version. A comment is added to clarify this step.

    4. After each iteration of the `for` loop, the largest element in the unsorted portion of the array "bubbles" up to its correct position at the end. To optimize the algorithm, we decrement the `size` variable, effectively excluding the last (already sorted) element from future comparisons. A comment is provided to explain this optimization.

    5. In the `main` function, we demonstrate the usage of `optimizedBubbleSort` by sorting an array of integers (`numbers`) and printing the sorted result. The `size` variable is used to determine the size of the array. Comments are added to clarify the purpose of each section.

    Popularity 10/10 Helpfulness 1/10 Language cpp
    Source: Grepper
    Tags: algorithm algo
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    Contributed on Jul 11 2023
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    Popularity 3/10 Helpfulness 1/10 Language python
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    Contributed on Apr 11 2024
    John Maina
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    Imagine a group of playful bubbles having a party. Each bubble has a number, and they want to arrange themselves in order from smallest to largest. The traditional bubble sort is like a game where bubbles compare their numbers and swap places until they're in order. It can take a while.

    But then, a clever bubble comes up with an optimized version. Instead of each bubble comparing with every other bubble, they pair up and compare only with their partner. If they're in the right order, they move on. If not, they swap places and make a note of it.

    The clever part is that if there were no swaps during a round, the bubbles know they're done! It's like they found their spots without needing any more moves. It's faster and more efficient.

    Think of it like bubbles finding their place in a line by talking to their partners. If they're happy, they stay put. If they're not, they switch spots. And when they all stop switching, the dance is over!

    So, the optimized bubble sort is a smarter and quicker way for bubbles to organize themselves. They save time by comparing with just one partner and stop dancing when they're in the right places. It's like a bubble party with less chaos and more efficiency!

    Popularity 10/10 Helpfulness 1/10 Language javascript
    Source: Grepper
    Tags: algorithm algo
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    Contributed on Jul 11 2023
    0 Answers  Avg Quality 2/10


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