Extensive Collection in Scala

Sumit Rawal answered on September 1, 2023 Popularity 1/10 Helpfulness 1/10


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    In Scala, the collections library provides a rich set of data structures for working with collections of values, such as lists, sets, maps, and more. The collections library is designed to be both efficient and flexible, catering to various use cases and needs. There are two main categories of collections: mutable and immutable. Immutable collections are preferred in functional programming, as they avoid side effects and facilitate safer and more predictable code.

    Here's an overview of the extensive collection hierarchy in Scala:

    Mutable Collections:

    Mutable Lists (scala.collection.mutable.List): A linear, ordered collection with efficient prepend and append operations.

    Mutable Sets (scala.collection.mutable.Set): An unordered collection of unique elements with efficient insertion and deletion.

    Mutable Maps (scala.collection.mutable.Map): A collection of key-value pairs, where keys are unique and efficient insertion and retrieval are supported.

    Mutable Queues (scala.collection.mutable.Queue): A linear, ordered collection that supports efficient enqueue and dequeue operations.

    Immutable Collections:

    Immutable Lists (scala.collection.immutable.List or just List): A singly-linked list with efficient prepend and append operations. Lists are persistent data structures.

    Immutable Sets (scala.collection.immutable.Set or just Set): An unordered collection of unique elements that supports efficient insertion and retrieval. Sets are persistent data structures.

    Immutable Maps (scala.collection.immutable.Map or just Map): A collection of key-value pairs with efficient insertion and retrieval. Maps are persistent data structures.

    Immutable Vectors (scala.collection.immutable.Vector): An indexed, immutable collection with efficient random access and updates.

    Immutable Queues (scala.collection.immutable.Queue): A double-ended queue with efficient enqueue and dequeue operations.

    Immutable Streams (scala.collection.immutable.Stream): Lazily-evaluated lists that can be infinite. Streams can be used for efficient processing of potentially infinite sequences.

    Collections Operations:

    The collections library provides a wide range of methods for performing various operations on collections, including mapping, filtering, folding, grouping, and more. These operations can often be performed in a functional style using higher-order functions.

    Collection Hierarchy:

    Both mutable and immutable collections inherit from common traits, which define a consistent set of methods. For example, Seq, Set, and Map are traits that represent sequences, sets, and maps, respectively. Both mutable and immutable variants of these collections implement these traits.

    Collection Views:

    Scala also provides collection views, which are a mechanism for creating lightweight, non-materialized views of collections. This can be useful when you want to apply transformations on collections without actually copying the data until necessary. 

    Popularity 1/10 Helpfulness 1/10 Language scala
    Source: Grepper
    Tags: scala
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    Contributed on Sep 01 2023
    Sumit Rawal
    0 Answers  Avg Quality 2/10


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