The Need of the Hour#

Sumit Rawal answered on June 19, 2023 Popularity 3/10 Helpfulness 1/10


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The Need of the Hour#

Tip Sumit Rawal 1 GREPCC

ConfigMaps allow us to keep configurations separate from application images. Such separation is useful when other alternatives are not a good fit.

Almost every application can be fine-tuned through configuration. Traditional software deployment methods fostered the use of configuration files. However, we are not discussing traditional, but advanced, distributed, and immutable deployments through Kubernetes schedulers.

Usage of fundamentally new technology often requires new processes and different architecture, if we are to leverage its potential to its maximum. On the other hand, we cannot just throw away everything we have and start new.

We’ll have to try to balance new principles and legacy needs.

If we were to start developing a new application today, it would be, among other things, distributed, scalable, stateless, and fault tolerant. Those are some of today’s needs. While we might question how many of us know how to design an application with those quality attributes in mind, hardly anyone would argue against having any of them. What is often forgotten is the configuration. Which mechanism should your new application use to configure itself? How about environment variables?

Environment variables fit well into distributed systems. They are easy to define, and they are portable. They are the ideal choice for configuration mechanism of new applications.

However, in some cases, the configuration might be too complex for environment variables. In such situations, we might need to fall back to files (hopefully YAML). When those cases are combined with legacy applications which are almost exclusively using file-based configuration, it is evident that we cannot rely only on environment variables.

When a configuration is based on files, the best approach we can take is to bake the configuration into a Docker image. That way, we are going down the fully-immutable road. Still, that might not be possible when our application needs different configuration options for various clusters (e.g., testing and production).

We don’t want to convert this into a discussion that ends with “you do NOT need a different configuration for different environments”. Rather just assume that you might have an excellent reason for something like that. In such a case, baking config files into images will not do the trick. That’s where ConfigMaps comes into play.

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Contributed on Jun 23 2023
Sumit Rawal
0 Answers  Avg Quality 2/10

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Tip Sumit Rawal 1 GREPCC

We needed process isolation that does not require a separate VM for each service. At the same time, we had to come up with an immutable way to deploy software. Mutability was distracting us from our goal to have reliable environments. With the emergence of virtual machines, immutability became feasible. Instead of deploying releases by doing updates at runtime, we could create new VMs with not only OS and patches but also our own software baked in. Each time we wanted to release something, we could create a new image, and instantiate as many VMs as we need. We could do immutable rolling updates. Still, not many of us did that. It was too expensive, both regarding resources as well as time. The process was too long. Even if that would not matter, having a separate VM for each service would result in too much-unused CPU and memory.

Popularity 3/10 Helpfulness 1/10 Language whatever
Source: Grepper
Tags: whatever
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Contributed on Jun 19 2023
Sumit Rawal
0 Answers  Avg Quality 2/10


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