
Sumit Rawal answered on October 23, 2022 Popularity 1/10 Helpfulness 1/10


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    In Kafka, each message within a partition is assigned a unique sequential integer called an “offset.” The offset is used to identify each message within the partition. By default, the offset starts at 0 for each partition and is incremented by 1 each time a new message is received. However, offsets are specific to a partition, so the message with offset 1 in partition 0 may not be the same as the message with offset 1 in partition 1.

    Kafka guarantees the order of messages within a partition, but there is no guarantee of order between messages in different partitions of the same topic. Additionally, Kafka messages are deleted over time, so once a message is deleted, its offset will no longer be used. Offsets in Kafka are continuously increasing in a never-ending sequence.

    Kafka is designed to be fault-tolerant and highly resilient through data replication. In Kafka, topics can be replicated across multiple brokers, meaning that duplicate copies of the data are written to multiple servers. This prevents data loss in case of failure and ensures that the data is always available for consumption. Replication in Kafka is performed at the partition level, and the replication factor (i.e., the number of copies of the data) can be set at the time of topic creation. A replication factor of 3 is commonly used in production environments, which means that there will always be three copies of the data. A replication factor of 1 means that there is no replication.

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    Sumit Rawal
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    Popularity 10/10 Helpfulness 1/10 Language whatever
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    Tags: offset of
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    Contributed on Oct 23 2022
    Sumit Rawal
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