Local Kubernetes Installment

Sumit Rawal answered on May 14, 2023 Popularity 1/10 Helpfulness 1/10


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  • Local Kubernetes Installment


    We are going to install and run Kubernetes on local environment.

    There are few options to run kubernetes on local like minikube, docker kubernetes and so on. We will follow the docker kubernetes installation.

    We should go to Docker Settings

    Docker support of Kubernetes

    Go to Docker Settings

    Kubernetes section

    Enable Kubernetes

    Declarative vs Imperative

    We are going to talk about Declarative vs Imperative.

    There are two basic ways to deploy to Kubernetes: imperatively, which is working on CLI with kubectl commands, or declaratively, by writing manifests and using kubectl apply.

    Kubernetes able to run both Declarative and Imperative way.

    Imperative Configuration

    The shortest way to deploy to Kubernetes is to use the kubectl run command.

    It said that run myapp with some image with 2 replicas, now!

    kubectl run myapp — image myrepo:mytag — replicas 2

    Declarative Configuration

    The power of Kubernetes is in its declarative API and controllers.

    You can just tell Kubernetes what you want, and it will know what to do.

    kubectl apply –f app.yaml

    You’ll just use kubectl apply and YAML (or JSON) manifests of the state to be saved by Kubernetes in etcd.

    Impritive — Declarative

    Impritive Commands

    kubectl run [container_name] — image=[image_name]

    kubectl port-forward [pod] [ports]

    kubectl create [resource]

    kubectl apply [resource] — create or modify resources

    So we will start with Imperative way of kubernetes commands. After that show how we can work with yaml files.

    Popularity 1/10 Helpfulness 1/10 Language shell
    Source: Grepper
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    Contributed on May 14 2023
    Sumit Rawal
    0 Answers  Avg Quality 2/10


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