1. kubectl apply -f filename.yaml
2. To see all resource is running or not: kubectl get all
3. kubectl get pod -o wide
4. Copy the httpddeployment pod IP i.e.
5. Now go inside the ubuntu pod
6. And run apt update && apt install curl -y
7. Run "curl" and you will get output.
8. Run "curl clusterIP:80 i.e. curl "
9. Now you hit via the pod IP and it's working
10. But if someone delete the pod or due to any reason the pod terminated
11. Then pod will get new IP and if you hit the command again with old pod IP then it will not give any output
12. Now we copy the Cluster Ip and again go inside the ubuntu pod
13. kubectl exec -it pod/ubuntudeployment-594f56844c-4w6sk -- /bin/bash
14. Now run "curl clusterIP:80 i.e curl "
15. It will work same
16. So now we not need to worry about POD IP.