Double Entry Bookkeeping

Satinder Rawal answered on April 27, 2023 Popularity 8/10 Helpfulness 1/10


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  • Double Entry Book Keeping

  • Double Entry Bookkeeping

    Tip Satinder Rawal 1 GREPCC

    Double Entry Bookkeeping: Overview

    Vault uses the double entry bookkeeping system. This means that each debit entry must be balanced

    by one or more entries of an equal credit amount, and vice-versa, in either a customer account or an

    internal account.

    In this example we show a possible life cycle of a card transaction in the Vault system, where you

    have an Auth, Auth Adjustment and finally a Settlement posting type.

    1. A customer walks into a hotel and puts down a $100 deposit at the hotel front desk in order to

    secure the room. Within Vault this is reflected using an Authorization posting type of $100,

    moving funds from the Pending Outgoing phase of the customer’s balance and crediting the

    same phase of an Internal Account’s balance.

    2. The customer extends their stay in the hotel, and is required to deposit an additional $50 to

    secure the extension. This is reflected in Vault as an Authorization Adjustment of $50 in the

    same phases as the previous posting.

    3. The customer has spent $150 in total on the hotel facilities and it is time for the customer to

    check out of the hotel. They use their card at the point of sale terminal to settle the bill. This is

    reflected in Vault using the Settlement Posting Type which will zero out the Pending Outgoing

    phase to reflect the change to the committed phase in the customer’s balance 

    Popularity 8/10 Helpfulness 1/10 Language whatever
    Source: Grepper
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    Contributed on Apr 27 2023
    Satinder Rawal
    0 Answers  Avg Quality 2/10


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