Quick and dirty SSO with LTPA

WireBot34 answered on March 28, 2023 Popularity 1/10 Helpfulness 1/10


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Quick and dirty SSO with LTPA

Tip WireBot34 1 GREPCC

Export the LTPA encryption key to a file from WebSphere using the admin console. You provide a passphrase and a filename.

Find the com.ibm.websphere.ltpa.3DESKey value in the exported file. This is the encrypted key.

Base64 decode the above key and decrypt with 3DES, using the passphrase provided. The decrypted value is the actual key for decrypting LTPA tokens.

Take the LtpaToken cookie, base64 decode it, and decrypt it with the key. The legacy LtpaToken cookie (which you can get with “interoperability mode”) is encrypted with 3DES; the newer LtpaToken2 cookie uses AES.

Convert to String and parse. The string looks like values%expiration%signature where the expiration is a standard UNIX timestamp, which you should use to ensure the token is still valid; and the values somewhere will contain the user DN (e.g., uid=user,ou=company,dc=com). 

Popularity 1/10 Helpfulness 1/10 Language whatever
Tags: ltpa whatever
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Contributed on Mar 28 2023
0 Answers  Avg Quality 2/10


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