dark patterns

Nnamdi Okpala answered on March 9, 2023 Popularity 4/10 Helpfulness 1/10


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    Dark patterns are user interface design techniques that are intentionally designed to mislead, trick, or manipulate users into taking actions that they may not have intended or desired. These patterns are often used in digital products and services, such as websites and mobile apps, to increase engagement, drive sales, or collect user data.

    Examples of dark patterns include:

    Misleading language: Using confusing or ambiguous language in user interfaces, such as using double negatives or hiding important details in fine print.

    Forced action: Forcing users to take an action in order to proceed, such as requiring an email address to access content or making it difficult to cancel a subscription.

    Hidden options: Concealing or burying options or information that may be important to the user, such as making it difficult to find the unsubscribe button.

    Misdirection: Drawing a user's attention away from important information or actions, such as using distracting visuals or pop-ups.

    Social proof: Using false or misleading information to suggest that others have taken a certain action or have endorsed a product or service.

    Dark patterns are often considered unethical because they prioritize business goals over user needs and can lead to negative user experiences. However, they are still used by some companies as a way to boost sales or engagement. Some governments and consumer advocacy groups have taken steps to regulate or discourage the use of dark patterns, but they continue to be a controversial topic in the design community. 

    Popularity 4/10 Helpfulness 1/10 Language whatever
    Source: Grepper
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    Contributed on Mar 09 2023
    Nnamdi Okpala
    0 Answers  Avg Quality 2/10


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