The catalog of Gang of Four design patterns

Pragya Keshap answered on February 21, 2023 Popularity 7/10 Helpfulness 2/10


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  • The catalog of Gang of Four design patterns


    Abstract Factory: This provides an interface to create objects without specifying their concrete class, making it possible to decouple the business logic and the object creation logic. With this, we can update the object creation logic in an easy way.

    Adapter: This provides an interface that makes it possible for two incompatible interfaces to work together. The adapter pattern works as a bridge between interfaces, adapting these interfaces to work together. Furthermore, the adapter can adopt a class or objects.

    Bridge: This pattern decouples an abstraction from its implementation, making them vary independently. With this, we can modify the implementations without impacting the abstractions and we can also modify the abstractions without impacting the implementations. The class of abstraction hides implementations and its complexity.

    Builder: This pattern separates the construction of a complex object from its representation. With this, we can construct the objects of several representations using the same process to that. Thus, we create a standard process of construction of objects that have a complex process to construct.

    Chain of responsibility: This pattern avoids coupling the sender and receiver of a request creating some objects that have a chance to treat the requests. These objects create a chain of receiver objects for a sender's request. Each object of this chain receives the request and verifies whether or not it will treat this request.

    Command: This pattern encapsulates a request for an object and creates a wrapper of requests containing their information about the request. With this, we can do a request to some object sending parameters without knowing about this operation. Furthermore, the command permits us to execute an undo operation.

    Composite: This pattern composes objects into a tree structure, which represents a part-whole hierarchy. It permits you to treat a group of objects as a single object.

    Decorator: This pattern permit extends a functionality of a class with flexibility, without use subclass. It allows you to dynamically attach a new responsibility to an object.

    Facade: This hides the complexity of the system, applying a unified interface to a set of interfaces on a subsystem. This makes the subsystem easy to use.

    Factory Method: This defines an interface for creating an object, and the subclass states which class to initiate.

    Flyweight: This uses sharing to efficiently support a large number of fine-grained objects. This pattern reduces the number of objects created.

    Interpreter: This pattern represents language grammar and uses it to interpret them as sentences of a language.

    Iterator: This pattern provides a way to sequentially access the elements of a set of objects without knowing its underlying representation.

    Mediator: This reduces the complexity of communication by creating an object that encapsulates all the communication and interaction between objects.

    Memento: This pattern captures the object's internal states without hurting encapsulated concepts, with this, the state of the object can be restored by the object. This pattern works as a backup that maintains the current state of an object.

    Observer: This defines a one-to-many dependency between objects. This means that if one object is modified, all of its dependents are automatically notified and updated.

    Prototype: This pattern permits us to create a new object using an object or instance as a prototype. This pattern creates a copy of an object, creating a new object with the same state of the object used as a prototype.

    Popularity 7/10 Helpfulness 2/10 Language whatever
    Source: Grepper
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    Contributed on Feb 21 2023
    Pragya Keshap
    0 Answers  Avg Quality 2/10


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