The filter operator passes only elements that satisfy the condition.
The ignoreElements operator returns Mono
The library allows for the limiting of taken elements with the take(n) method, which ignores all elements except the first n.
takeLast returns only the last element of the stream.
takeUntil(Predicate) passes an element until some condition is satisfied.
elementAt(n) allows the taking of only the nth element of the sequence.
The single operator emits a single item from the source and signals the NoSuchElementException error for an empty source or IndexOutOfBoundsException for a source with more than one element.
It is possible to take or skip an element not only by an amount but also by Duration with the skip(Duration) or take(Duration)operators.
Also, we may skip or take an element until some message arrives from another stream—takeUntilOther(Publisher) or skipUntilOther(Publisher).