How can Kafka be tuned for optimal performance?

Pragya Keshap answered on February 6, 2023 Popularity 1/10 Helpfulness 1/10


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    Tuning for optimal performance involves consideration of two key measures: latency measures, which denote the amount of time taken to process one event, and throughput measures, which refer to how many events can be processed in a specific time. Most systems are optimized for either latency or throughput, while Kafka can balance both. Tuning Kafka for optimal performance involves the following steps:

    Tuning Kafka producers: Data that the producers have to send to brokers is stored in a batch. When the batch is ready, the producer sends it to the broker. For latency and throughput, to tune the producers, two parameters must be taken care of: batch size and linger time. The batch size has to be selected very carefully. If the producer is sending messages all the time, a larger batch size is preferable to maximize throughput. However, if the batch size is chosen to be very large, then it may never get full or take a long time to fill up and, in turn, affect the latency. Batch size will have to be determined, taking into account the nature of the volume of messages sent from the producer. The linger time is added to create a delay to wait for more records to get filled up in the batch so that larger records are sent. A longer linger time will allow more messages to be sent in one batch, but this could compromise latency. On the other hand, a shorter linger time will result in fewer messages getting sent faster - reduced latency but reduced throughput as well.

    Tuning Kafka broker: Each partition in a topic is associated with a leader, which will further have 0 or more followers. It is important that the leaders are balanced properly and ensure that some nodes are not overworked compared to others.

    Tuning Kafka Consumers: It is recommended that the number of partitions for a topic is equal to the number of consumers so that the consumers can keep up with the producers. In the same consumer group, the partitions are split up among the consumers.,time%2C%20that%20means%20throughput%20measures.

    Popularity 1/10 Helpfulness 1/10 Language java
    Source: Grepper
    Tags: java optimal
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    Contributed on Feb 06 2023
    Pragya Keshap
    0 Answers  Avg Quality 2/10


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