Most common ones:
1. Delimited text file formats
- store data as text in which each line, values separated by a delimiter
- example: CSV, TSV
2. Microsoft Excel Open XML Spreadsheet (XLSX)
- Worksheet is organized into rows and columns, at the intersection of which is the cell.
- pen file format, which means it is generally accessible to most other applications.
3. Extensible Markup Language (XML)
- markup language with set rules for encoding data.
- Self-descriptive language designed for sending information over the internet.
4. Portable Document Format (PDF)
- file format developed by Adobe to present documents independent of application software, hardware, and operating systems
- It can be viewed the same way on any device.
5. JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)
- text-based open standard designed for transmitting structured data over the web.
- The file format is a language-independent data format that can be read in any programming language.