vps remove folder

Faiz answered on January 7, 2023 Popularity 2/10 Helpfulness 1/10


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vps remove folder


Command and Option Description

rm -d Remove an empty directory using the rm command.

rm -r Remove a non-empty directory and its content.

rm -f Ignore any prompt when deleting a write-protected file.

rm -rf Ignore any prompt when deleting a write-protected non-empty folder.

rm -i Output a prompt before deleting every file.

rm -I Output a prompt only once before deleting more than three files.

rm * Wildcard that represents multiple characters.

rm ? Wildcard that represents a single character.

rmdir -p Remove an empty subdirectory and its parent directory.

rmdir -v Print the information that the specified directory was deleted.

Popularity 2/10 Helpfulness 1/10 Language javascript
Source: Grepper
Tags: javascript vps
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Contributed on Jan 07 2023
0 Answers  Avg Quality 2/10


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