Ansible firewalld is used to manage firewall rules on host machines.
This works just as Linux firewalld daemon for allowing/blocking services
from the port.
It is split into two major concepts
• Zones: This is the location for which we can control
which services are exposed to
or a location to which one the local network interface is connected.
• Services: These are typically a series of port/protocol
combinations (sockets) that your host may be listening on,
which can then be placed in one or more zones
Few examples of setting up firewalld are
1- name: permit traffic in default zone for https service
2 ansible.posix.firewalld:
3 service: https
4 permanent: yes
5 state: enabled
7- name: do not permit traffic in default zone on port 8081/tcp
8 ansible.posix.firewalld:
9 port: 8081/tcp
10 permanent: yes
11 state: disabled