Angular 11 supports up to TypeScript version v4.1.5
//if you have angular 11 and have an issue with the typescript version use the following command.
npm update -g typescript@4.1
//if you want to update your typescript to latest version.
npm update -g typescript@latest
Angular 7 uses TypeScript version 3.1
//if you have angular 7 and have an issue with the typescript version use the following command.
npm update -g typescript@3.1
//if you want to update your typescript to latest version.
npm update -g typescript@latest
Angular 9 uses TypeScript version >=3.6.4 and <3.8.0
//if you have angular 9 and have an issue with the typescript version use the following command.
npm update -g typescript@3.6.4
//if you want to update your typescript to latest version.
npm update -g typescript@latest