rsa_sign_pss(pRsaKey,cData,nHashAlgorithm[,nSaltLength]) ---> return a string containing RSA PSS signature
nHashAlgorithm indicates the hash algorithm to use for hashing and PSS padding.
nSaltLength indicates the length of PSS salt to use. If ommited, then maximum salt length is used.
nSaltLength can have the special values -1 and -2: -1 indicates that salt length is equal to hash size
and -2 indicates that maximum salt length is used.
Possible values for nHashAlgorithm argument are:
- $OSSL_HASH_MD5 which is equal to 0
- $OSSL_HASH_SHA1 which is equal to 1
- $OSSL_HASH_SHA256 which is equal to 2
- $OSSL_HASH_SHA384 which is equal to 3
- $OSSL_HASH_SHA512 which is equal to 4
/* sign a document using RSA-PSS with SHA256 and maximal salt length
/* read Alice private key */
rsaKeyPEM = Read("alice_private_key.pem")
rsaKey = rsa_import_pem(rsaKeyPEM)
/* read file content */
cFileContent = Read ("document.txt")
/* perform PSS signing */
cSignature = rsa_sign_pss(rsaKey,cFileContent,$OSSL_HASH_SHA256)
/* store the signature */
Write("document.txt.sig", cSignature)
See "Unexpected error occured: " + cCatchError + nl
rsa_signhash_pss(pRsaKey,cHashValue[,nSaltLength]) ---> return a string containing RSA PSS signature
nSaltLength indicates the length of PSS salt to use. If ommited, then maximum salt length is used.
nSaltLength can have the special values -1 and -2: -1 indicates that salt length is equal to hash size
and -2 indicates that maximum salt length is used.
/* sign a document using RSA-PSS with SHA256 and maximal salt length
/* read Alice private key */
rsaKeyPEM = Read("alice_private_key.pem")
rsaKey = rsa_import_pem(rsaKeyPEM)
/* hash file content */
ctx = SHA256Init()
cFileContent = Read ("document.txt")
SHA256Update(ctx, cFileContent)
digest = SHA256Final(ctx)
/* perform PSS signing */
cSignature = rsa_signhash_pss(rsaKey,digest)
/* store the signature */
Write("document.txt.sig", cSignature)
See "Unexpected error occured: " + cCatchError + nl